Monday 10 December 2012

Second Telugu Sangham Gathering on 08 December 2012 - Report

Second Telugu Sangham Gathering on 08 December 2012 - Report

The Second gathering of Telugu Sangham, Rome was held at St. Peter's Pontifical College on the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mother Mary. The Holy Eucharist at 11 am was presided over by Fr. Jayaraju Polisetty.

During the get-together, President welcomed everyone and thanked all the participants for their presence. Secretary reminded the upcoming programmes, namely, Perpetual Profession of two OCD brothers on 14 December 2012, IPSBU Annual Gathering on 16 December 2012 and Diaconate Ordination of two Marianist brothers on 12 January 2013. Br. Jayapal, Bursar presented the Financial status of Telugu Sangham.

Fr. Jayaraju Polisetty thanked all those who helped for Marketing (Frs. Jayaraju Battu, Praveen gopu and Br. Jayapal), cooking (Frs. Jayaraju Battu, Praveen Gopu, Sudhakar Lawrence, Bros. Chinnaiah Polisetty, Chitti Babu Gunja, Prasad Appapogu) arranging and cleaning and who made gatheing a success!

The gathering was concluded with carol singing. Thanks to Fr. Rajarao and Br. Naresh Babu Gali for the thought of it and organizing.

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