
Christmas Telugu Sangham Gathering on 05 December 2015 - Report


The brethren of Andhra Pradesh in and around Rome have arrived at Salesian University by 9.30 a.m. 

Holy Eucharist

Christmas gathering of Telugu Sangham  was held at  The Salesian University, Rome. The Holy Eucharist at 11 am was celebrated by Fr. Ratnakar Doma, Fr. Jojappa Polisetty delivered the sermon & Fr. Prakash Maremreddy SDB concelebrated  with them.

During the get-together, Fr. Ravi Jujjavarapu VC (President) welcomed everyone and thanked all the participants for their presence. Br.Sagar Chinnabathini, Bursar presented the Financial status of Telugu Sangham.
It was a great joy for Sr. Sundari Nagothu to celebrate her Birth Day with Telugu Sangham members. They wished her a Happy Birth Day by singing

Prayer & Vote of Thanks
Fr. Ravi prayed before the meals and after that  thanked all those who helped for Marketing (Fr. Prakash Maremreddy Br. Sagar Chinnabathini FDP, Br. Raju FDP), cooking (Sr. Sundari Nagothu, S. Neha, K. Neha Mr. Balashowry Pudota & Bro. Sagar Chinnabathini) And also thanked Fr. Anthaiah Putti SDB & Fr. Prakash Maramreddy for making arrangingments for the gathering &  all who made gatheing a success! The gathering was concluded with Andhra Bhojanam.
     (Secretary: Fr. Balaswamy LINGALA , Diocese of Kurnool)

First Telugu Sangham Gathering on 24 October 2015 - Report

The First gathering of Telugu Sangham, Rome was held at  The Generalate of Sacred Heart of Jesus (SCJ). The Holy Eucharist at 11 am was celebrated by Fr. David Arulappa.

During the get-together, Fr. Ravi Jujjavarapu VC (President) welcomed everyone and thanked all the participants for their presence. Fr. Balaswamy Lingala (Secretary) conducted the process of election of Economo and Executive member. Bro. Sagar Chinnabathini FDP was elected as the Economo & Sr. Anna Mary Thumma SCCG  was elected as the Executive Member & the date and the place for the next gathering was fixed in the meeting. IPSBU Annual Gathering on 13 December 2015. Fr. Vijay Kumar Raja Chatragadda PIME, Bursar presented the Financial status of Telugu Sangham.

Fr. Secretary thanked all those who helped for Marketing (Frs. Thomas Kurma, Ravi Jujjavarapu, Vijay Kumar Raja), cooking (Frs. Thomas Kurma, Ravi Jujjavarapu, Fr. Paul Rajesh Yaddanapalli, Sr. Innamma Pasala, Sr. Anna Mary Thumma, Sr. Sunitha Pentamalla, Bros. Balaswamy Gali, & Bala Yesu) And also thanked Fr. Emmanuel Nanduri and Fr. Hruday Pudota for arranging and cleaning and all who made gatheing a success! The gathering was concluded with Andhra Bhojanam.

Second Telugu Sangham Gathering on 08 December 2012 - Report

The Second gathering of Telugu Sangham, Rome was held at St. Peter's Pontifical College on the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mother Mary. The Holy Eucharist at 11 am was celebrated by Fr. Jayaraju Polisetty.

During the get-together, President welcomed everyone and thanked all the participants for their presence. Secretary reminded the upcoming programmes, namely, Perpetual Profession of two OCD brothers on 14 December 2012, IPSBU Annual Gathering on 16 December 2012 and Diaconate Ordination of two Marianist brothers on 12 January 2013. Br. Jayapal, Bursar presented the Financial status of Telugu Sangham.

Fr. Jayaraju Polisetty thanked all those who helped for Marketing (Frs. Jayaraju Battu, Praveen gopu and Br. Jayapal), cooking (Frs. Jayaraju Battu, Praveen Gopu, Sudhakar Lawrence, Bros. Chinnaiah Polisetty, Chitti Babu Gunja, Prasad Appapogu) arranging and cleaning and who made gatheing a success!

The gathering was concluded with carol singing. Thanks to Fr. Rajarao and Br. Naresh Babu Gali for the thought of it and organizing.

First Telugu Sangham Gathering on 27 October 2012 - Report 

The First gathering of Telugu Sangham, Rome was held at St. Paul's Pontifical College. The family get-together was blessed with with presence of Most Rev. Antony Poola, bishop of Kurnool who presided over the Holy Eucharist. Fr. Jayaraju Polisetty, President has welcomed him at the begining of the Mass. Bishop, in his homily spoke about the Year of Faith and the Evangelization. He stessed on the aspect of our life as exemplary to the people and to evangelize our own people.

During the get-together, Bishop was honored with a bouquet and a shalua. President, secretary and the Economo addressed the group.

A sumptous meal was prepared and enjoyed by everyone.

Telugu Sangham Gathering on 27 November 2010- Report


The brethren of Andhra Pradesh in and around Rome have arrived at St. Paul's Pontifical College by 9.30 a.m. 

Holy Eucharist

The Eucharistic Celebration in Telugu was presided over by Fr. Chinnaiah Polisetty OFM Cap concelebrated by all the priests and participated by the other members of Telugu Sangham at 10.15 a.m. 

At the beginning of the Eucharist, Fr. Johannes, President of Telugu Sangham welcomed the members and reminded the importance of our presence in Rome.  He said that we should prepare ourselves and well eqipeed to work in the Kingdom of God. 

During the Holy Eucharist, Fr. Battu Jayaraj preached the homily which was liked and appreciated by every member.  He began referring to the Gospel passage of the day that we all should be alert and ready at every moment to recieve the Lord and attend to his call.  Thereafter, he preached about the sweetness of the culture and language of Andhra Pradesh.  He reminded us that we should respect respect our 'Mother Tongue' and should speak when we meet our own brethren - which would lighten our heavy hearts and make us feel at home - instead of wishing in an unknown and foreign language.  He took all of us to the streets and homes of Andhra Pradesh, through his preaching of the greatness of our culture, traditions and language.


After the Holy Eucharist, we had a chit-chat, assembled in one of the halls of the venue. Fr. G. Johannes, President of Telugu Sangham, once again welcomed the members and thanked each one for their participation in the fraternal and Telugu Family gathering.
Fr. Rajendra Prasad MF, Secreatary of Telugu Sangham addressed the family announcing the important concerns of the Telugu Family in Rome.
Decisions:  1.  It is decided that all the priests shall contribute € 20 per annum towards the expenses of the family get-together which is normally held 3 times in a year.

2. All the members of Telugu Sangham are volunteerly invited to contribute financially to their best to help the victims of the recent chaos due to heavy rains in Andhra Pradesh.  The President and the Secretary would contact the Bishops with the help of the priests in Rome and send the help to the needy.

3. The next meeting is decided to be held on 26 February 2011 (the last Saturday of the month) at St. Paul's College.  The programme, the agenda and if any changes with regard to date and place would be notified at the earliest.

Vote of Thanks

Fr. G. Johannes, president, thanked all those who took part in the meeting and for sparing their valuable time for the family get-together.  He also strongly recommended that it would be fine and well appreciated if all the members be present and participate in every meet without fail.

Personal Experience of the Members

The gathering  was a great experience for me to meet people of my state. I could feel the nearness of our culture and tradition. God bless the organizers. This will unite us more as telugu prajalu.
Fr. Sudhakar Lawrence ofmcap
It was nice gathering.  We all enjoyed.  Congratulations to the organizers for having done it so nicely.
                                                                                                                 Br. Showry Raju Nagothu OCD