

Today, our society faces lot of suffering and pain. The whole world seems a dark place. There have been tragic situations in our society. We, in everyday of our life, see that members of our society, of our family struggling with serious and different types of problems. In recent times, we have witnessed to some tragic deaths in our states by whatever may be the reason! Everyone wants and desires to be content and happy. But the means chosen to attain that happiness is not proper and becoming. All this pain and suffering can affect even our faith and believing heart. But, let our faith not fail us. Let us not shatter our hopes. There is always hope in every darkest moments. Easter is Hope. The Good news of Easter is that, in darkness there is light, in suffering there is joy and in death there is life. God will never fail us His children, unless we give into despair. The light of Christ is shining on us and will continue to shine on us. God will not allow the darkness to overwhelm us. Easter is a time that we open our eyes of faith and believe that it is a celebration of the victory of God over darkness, sin, fear and death. We too are in the same world and in the same society with lots of problems like suffering, fear, darkness, pain and death. Let us not dishearten ourselves, but instead look for that hope, light, glory and life. Let us join in to hear the message of hope that God sends to each one of us through His Son Jesus Christ. Let us deepen our faith and reach out to others who are more suffering than us. Let us discover together the wonder of the love and power of God to overcome even our most difficult moments.

Fr. Praveen Kumar Gopu, OFM Capuchin
Member of Telugu Sangham, Rome, Italy